quarta-feira, 6 de maio de 2009


Caros amigos!
Ca estou eu de volta para mostrar umas fotos da minha ida ao Zimbabwe!! Mais propriamente das cataratas de Victoria falls, uma das sete maravailhas naturais e do rio zambeze. Deixo-vos tambem um momento kodak num slide a 110 km/h, suspenso a 100 metros acima do rio (Haaa campeao quase que sujavas as calcas)!!

Ja agora um pouco de conhecimento:
The recent geological history of Victoria Falls can be seen in the form of the gorges below the falls. The basalt plateau over which the Upper Zambezi flows has many large cracks filled with weaker sandstone. In the area of the current falls the largest cracks run roughly east to west (some run nearly north-east to south-west), with smaller north-south cracks connecting them.
Over at least 100,000 years, the falls have been receding upstream through the Batoka gorges, eroding the sandstone-filled cracks to form the gorges. The river's course in the current vicinity of the falls is north to south, so it opens up the large east-west cracks across its full width, then it cuts back through a short north-south crack to the next east-west one. The river has fallen in different eras into different chasms which now form a series of sharply zig-zagging gorges downstream from the falls
Ignoring some dry sections, the Second to Fifth and the Songwe Gorges each represents a past site of the falls at a time when they fell into one long straight chasm as they do now. Their sizes indicate that we are not living in the age of the widest ever falls.
The falls have already started cutting back the next major gorge, at the dip in one side of the "Devil's Cataract" (also known as "Leaping Waters") section of the falls. This is not actually a north-south crack, but a large east-northeast line of weakness across the river, where the next full-width falls will eventually form.
(texto da wikipedia)

(sempre a fazer amigos e conhecer novas culturas!! :D)

(uma foto a turista, pois entao)

Um comentário:

nuno brolock disse...

Eh eh eh... sujaste as calças e não só...a água lá em baixo tá bem negra!